XP certification

When your XP exceeds 1 million you have to verify on the naver cafe, otherwise your xp exceeding 1.1 million won't convert into SP at the start of the game, rendering it useless.

When you reach 2 million, 4 million, 8 million, 13 million, 20 million, 30 million, 80 million you have to verify it again.

1. Take a screenshot of your title page.

ㆍTemplate will be in place for link(of your greetings, more details below), Username, Handle, XP level and screenshot

ㆍTitle of the post is X만 인증 합니다 with X being your XP level(만 is 10k)

ㆍNext to the title of the post you have to select your xp level in the dropdown:

From now on verification applications will require you to post the link to your greetings title card.
가입인사 링크: (subscription link)

To get the link of your sign-up greetings post first open your post. You can find a list of all of your posts through my activity>posts:

Then copy the link from the top-right corner:

You can press the white button right next to the link to copy it.

If you fail your post gets moved to the [개복디]인증 실패-Failed verification subforum and you have to make another post.

Original source from KR Cruxis Lottery Defence Discord #xp_verification https://discord.gg/B88fvbjJ


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Guide for joining the korean naver cafe and becoming bronze level.