XP certification

When your XP exceeds 1 million you have to verify on the naver cafe, otherwise your xp exceeding 1.1 million won't convert into SP at the start of the game, rendering it useless. When you reach 2 million, 4 million, 8 million, 13 million, 20 million, 30 million, 80 million you have to verify it again. 1. Take a screenshot of your title page. 2. Go to the subforum  http://cafe.naver.com/ds2sc?iframe_url=/ArticleList.nhn%3Fsearch.clubid=25740937%26search.menuid=185%26search.boardtype=L  and make your post. ㆍTemplate will be in place for link(of your greetings, more details below), Username, Handle, XP level and screenshot ㆍTitle of the post is X만 인증 합니다 with X being your XP level(만 is 10k) ㆍNext to the title of the post you have to select your xp level in the dropdown: Once it has been approved by staff your post will get moved to this subforum:  http://cafe.naver.com/ds2sc?iframe_url=/ArticleList.nhn%3Fsearch.clubid=25740937%26search.menuid=186%26search.boardtype=L From now on verif

Guide for joining the korean naver cafe and becoming bronze level.

Guide for joining the korean naver cafe and becoming bronze level. Bronze level is required to read all non-staff subforums including daily code and strategy board. I heavily recommend you to use chrome because the built-in website translation is super useful.(Open a second tab and translate it, you need the original page in korean because translations can mess up buttons.) 1. Joining the cafe Go to  http://cafe.naver.com/ds2sc Click on the login button in the top right corner Create a naver account. It is recommended to sign up with a facebook account (can be a new account). This step is in english (or can be switched to english in the top right corner) Next up you have to click on one of the pinned posts: You should get redirected to the following screen: (If that doesnt work try to open a daily code - see end of this guide) It asks you to become a member of this Lottery Defense/ Desert Strike cafe. Click on the white button. Now you have to fill in this page: Tick the first 2 boxes